Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yesterday was Camerons 17th birthday - WOW where did all the time go?

He has worked really hard lately to get back on track with school and we are so proud of him! He is a great kid! He is so funny, loyal, and caring.

He is so sweet with his nieces - and they love him so much!

He is also excited to start playing indoor football this spring - and I'm excited to watch him lol. I think of how much time has already gone by, and then I stop to think about the fact that in one short year, he will be a high school graduate! I can't get over that!

Well, anyway - chris' birthday is on the 19th, and that weekend also happens to be the last home game of the Raiders this season. Sooooooooooo - I surprised them both with tickets to the game - they are both so excited!

I'm so grateful for having such a wonderful family to be surrounded by daily. : )

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rodriguez Holiday Photos

Ok - so I hate getting my picture taken, so we are just getting the granddaughters done - there are many more to come because I couldn't even wait for the disc - but here are two and they are too cute to wait (if I do say so myself!)


Friday, December 5, 2008


Ok - I have post-poned this long enough - I need to put my blog to private and I need everyones email addresses por favor. I would rather you send them to my email so sneaky eyes don't see it -

I'm going to set it on Monday - so be dear, sweet little lambs and work with me on this one, ok? ;)

Love you and such!

Sunshines Football Party

Soooooo - the season is over, but there is usualy the end-of-season "banquet" - most of the time held at a pizza place, the coaches get up and talk to the kids, you know standard stuff.

This year, the Coaches had all the kids meet at Winner Motor Sports to do some go-cart racing and just have fun. No speeches, no presenting of the pictures, blah blah blah - just pure fun for these boys who worked so hard this year.

It was cool to see them all bond on a different level and just have a blast trying to beat each others times. The coaches had an awesome idea and the boys just loved it!

Andrew (sorry these are a little blurry!)

Andrew, Zach & Sinks